Octopus with Spicy Pesto Costa Ligure


(serves 4):

  • 1 jar 135g of spicy pesto
  • 1 kg. octopus
  • 500g of potatoes
  • 3 zucchinis
  • 8 zucchini flowers
  • 2 eggs
  • Grated Parmigiano Reggiano cheese
  • 1 lemon
  • 1 clove of garlic
  • Sun-dried tomatoes
  • Oil
  • Pepper
  • Salt

Bring a large saucepan of salted water to a boil. Meanwhile clean the octopus under running fresh water. Carefully dip the octopus into the boiling water holding it by the head and cook it over moderately low heat until tender (about 40/45 minutes) cover the saucepan with a lid.

In another pot, boil the potatoes in plenty of salted water for about 20 minutes. When cooked, drain, peel and set aside.

Wash and cut the zucchini into round slices and sauté them in a pan with a drizzle of oil and a clove of garlic for about 10 minutes.

In a bowl put the boiled potatoes together with about 3 tablespoons of zucchini, add a little oil, salt and pepper to taste. Crush the potatoes and the courgettes with a fork, mix together well and set aside.

Once cooked, drain the octopus using tongs, transfer it to a chopping board and cut it in pieces.

Open the jar of spicy pesto and pour it on a flat plate. Add the cutted octopus, squeeze 1/2 lemon and mix together well.

Beat two whole eggs in a bowl, add the grated Parmesan cheese, salt and pepper.

Clean the zucchini flowers, cut the stem, open them gently and remove the pistil. Meanwhile, heat some oil in a frying pan. Dip the flowers in the egg batter and then fry them in hot oil for a few minutes until crisp and golden brown on both sides. Drain on paper towels and season with salt.

With two tablespoons make balls of the mashed potatoes and zucchini. Put 2 balls on the bottom of a serving plate and add a drizzle of oil. Place the octopus’ pieces, garnish with 1 or 2 zucchini flowers and 2 pieces of sun-dried tomatoes. Serve warm.